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Homeowners - Do You Know?

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) has had 2 plans under consideration for the future of the Hiawatha Golf Course property, and is moving towards Plan B.

Plan A: 18 hole Golf Course
Plan B: Closure of the Golf Course, reduced water pumping, and flooding of parts of the property.

Regarding Plan B:

DID YOU KNOW? The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) would spend $46,000,000 over the next 20 years to close Hiawatha Golf Course and turn it into a flooded wetland.

DID YOU KNOW? 176 square miles of land drain into Lake Hiawatha. (Hiawatha Golf Course Pumping FAQ). The golf course is less than 1 square mile of land. Does Plan B address the fact that Lake Hiawatha is the dumping ground for this huge expanse of land?

DID YOU KNOW? Water pumped from the golf course to Lake Hiawatha has a negligible impact on the quality of the water in Lake Hiawatha. (MPRB presentation, June 21, 2017 p.4)

DID YOU KNOW? Plan B will make a bigger lake by flooding an additional 41 acres of Hiawatha Golf Course, making that land unusable. How will more water on the golf course protect your homes from flooding in the next big rainstorm?

DID YOU KNOW? Plan B calls for zero stormwater and limited groundwater pumping. What if it doesn't work? Plan B is based on a non-metered, gallons per hour, study performed by Barr Enginnering in November thru January of 2016. We asked why they didn't meter the flow of water for accuracy and the answer was we couldn't get the meters to work.

DID YOU KNOW? A reason for closing the golf course is stated as a fear that the berm between the lake and the golf course will break, and golfers will be swept away and drowned.

DID YOU KNOW? Our kids will lose a valuable resource. The golf course currently serves kids through First Tee and Junior programs. South, Roosevelt, Washburn, Southwest and Minnehaha Academy golf teams all use Hiawatha Golf Course.

DID YOU KNOW? There are no concrete plans for future use of the property that have been studied and proven viable. What will the future be for this, currently, quiet neighborhood?

We feel that Steffanie Musich and Andrew Johnson have embraced Plan B instead of encouraging their community to provide input.