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What is the MPRB Proposing for
Hiawatha Golf Course?

Information from the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board's document
Hiawatha Golf Course Area Water Management Alternatives Assessment
Impact Assessment
July 14, 2017

The Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board (MPRB) has two alternative plans for the Hiawatha Golf Course property.

  • Alternative A - 18-hole golf course with an expanded clubhouse.
  • Alternative B - A general park with an expanded wetland and other amenities.

  • The MPRB has voted for Alternative B. What was their reasoning and what does this mean to the neighborhood?

    PART 1 - The New Hiawatha Swamp!
    PART 2 - Why Golf Is Out!
    PART 3 - These Amenities Are Better?
    PART 4 - Impact on Property Values of Nearby Homes?