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History of Theodore Wirth
Superintendent of Minneapolis Parks

Theodore Wirth served as Superintendent of the Minneapolis Park system from 1906 to 1935, and he served as Superintendent Emeritus until 1946. He was instrumental in creating the Minneapolis Park System that we have today. Anyone who appreciates the Minneapolis Park System should understand his immense contribution.

From our research, Theodore Wirth was also the main force behind the creation of the Minneapolis City golf courses. He developed the golf courses in the 1920's and 1930's as a public alternative to the private courses that were being developed in the Twin Cities. His legacy can be seen in the Swiss Chalet style of the clubhouses at Hiawatha, Wirth and Columbia golf courses. Theodore Wirth was born and raised in Switzerland.

The following articles give some historical perspective on his life and contributions.

Theodore Wirth House & Administration Building Historic Designation
As part of Theodore Wirth's employment contract, the Minneapolis Park Board agreed to build him a house that would also serve as an administration building. In 2002, application was made for historic status of this building. The application gives historical background regarding the house, and also much historical background about Theodore Wirth and his years with the Minneapolis Park System.

Theodore Wirth Biography
From the History of Minneapolis, Gateway to the Northwest, 1923; Edited by: Rev. Marion Daniel Shutter, D.D., LL.D. USGenWeb Archives